18 cervical cancer Preventive Foods for Women

18 cervical cancer Preventive Foods for Women
Not wrong if people say, science exists to bring people from the era of darkness toward the brightly lit era. The proof with the science of mankind is able to exist until now by creating extraordinary discoveries in order to adapt to the ever-changing nature. One of the most important is the knowledge of the benefits of food, preventive food such as cervical cancer. As the main topic of our discussion this time. Because food is one of the basic necessities of men, knowing where the food is good and bad is a liability. It is aimed so that humans avoid foodborne illness and prevent various diseases caused by the habit of consuming food. Do you know cervical cancer preventive foods?

Cervical cancer is cancer that is present on the cervix of women. The function of the cervix as the entrance to the uterus from the vagina. All the women any age are at risk of having cervical cancer. However, the disease tends to affect women who are sexually active. In addition to avoiding cervical cancer-causing foods, you should know what foods can reduce your chances of developing cancer of the cervix.

Cervical cancer Preventive foods that you need to know

1. Papaya
Coming from Central America, the papaya plant is currently cultivated in many tropical countries. Well known as "the fruit of the Angels" by Christopher Columbus, the papaya is a true power generation. One of the best fruits with vitamin C (even better than oranges), also contains beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. The combination of these nutrients is associated with HPV infection rates lower, and experts believe that consuming one papaya per week can reduce the risk of women of contracting cervical cancer. HPV or human papillomavirus Human is one of the viruses that cause the most common sexually transmitted disease. In women, HPV infections also cause cervical cancer, vulva, vagina, anus, mouth, and throat.

2. Raspberry Raspberry filled nutrients and very tasty, but very low calories.
Clinical studies showed the daily consumption of red raspberries may prevent the progression of HPV-infected cells. This effect is very likely caused by the concentration of ellagic acid high raspberry – a natural compound which has anti-mutagenic properties and anti-carcinogenic. In some cases, it is also capable of causing apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. Furthermore, the ellagic acid found in red raspberries are able to survive in conditions of heat or freezing. So when you eat fresh raspberries, frozen or hot, its usefulness as a preventive food of cervical cancer does not decrease.

3. Green tea
Benefits of green tea are more famous can lose weight, but the health benefits of drinking green tea are more varied than that. Indeed, the evidence suggests that green tea can also help prevent many types of cancer, including cervical cancer prevention as a drink. Catechin, a compound responsible for weight loss in green tea, proved to be very effective to protect cells from DNA damage caused by free radicals. But green tea anti-cancer substances does not end there. Green tea also has been shown to suppress the urokinase, a type of enzyme that plays a role in cancer cell metastasis (the spread) on the cervical cancer patients. You can add a bit of orange juice that is rich in vitamin C into Your green tea – research shows that vitamin C makes the catechins in green tea a lot more so that the body can absorb them.

4. Asparagus
Asparagus is a food with glutathione (349 nM glutathione/g wet weight), "antioxidant" that gets the spotlight in recent years. Glutathione has extensive functionality, such as cervical cancer preventive foods. For example, proved effective glutathione protects cells from free radical damage, detoxifies foreign substances as carcinogens, and enhances the immune system by affecting lymphocytes.

5. Carrot
You've probably heard that carrots are good for the eyes, but did you know that carrots also are cervical cancer preventive foods? This protective effect associated with the powerful antioxidant properties of carrot. Carrots also contain falcarinol – natural compounds effective in inhibiting cancer development. The scientists found that mice that had tumors of the pre-cancer that is fed a carrot, it is likely to develop into full-fledged cancer to one third smaller than the animals in the control group. Broccoli Make cervical cancer preventive foods carrots and broccoli as a preventive cervical cancer food menu if you prefer carrots cooked than raw, it doesn't matter. The most important thing to note is to boil intact-whole and cut it after that. It is aimed so that nutrients are antioxidants and falcarinol stay awake.

6. Salmon
Salmon is a good food to protect the body from cancer cervical and other cancers. Salmon provides a source of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition to omega-3, salmon contains anti-cancer nutrients, namely: Astaxanthin, a carotenoid that gives salmon pink color. These substances have been proven extremely effective in destroying free radicals so that we can use as a preventive cervical cancer food. To get the most number of astaxanthin, choose wild salmon. Astaxanthin more on wild salmon (mainly salmon sockeye) salmon rather than the result of livestock. What's more, wild salmon contains only low levels of PCBs, hazardous chemicals that are often present in high amounts in the salmon are farmed. Eating wild salmon should not be exaggerated. Frequent consumption of salmon will make you easily remove excessive toxins - because they contain certain pesticides and mercury. currently, the FDA is only to eat fish at most twice a week. This advice is important for pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant because of toxins in fish may impair neurological development of the unborn baby.

7. Turmeric
Turmeric, the yellow spice, has long been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat a variety of disease conditions. In recent years, Western medicine is starting to pay attention to this remarkable plant. Researchers have identified a number of anticancer properties in turmeric that can make it effective against various types of cancer and be making it one of the preventive cervical cancer food. Turmeric has proven to contain compounds that can identify specific cancer cells and induces the destruction of these cells – without damaging healthy cells. Turmeric has a very large antioxidant and tough and blocking the growth of nitrosamines and against aflatoxin production and improving the quality of cancer. There are still many other turmeric benefits: Turmeric Benefits 100 is scientifically proven. Turmeric has a very large antioxidant and tough and blocking the growth of nitrosamines and against aflatoxin production and improving the quality of cancer. There are still many other turmeric benefits: Turmeric Benefits 100 is scientifically proven.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the best foods that you can eat if looking for cervical cancer preventive foods. The benefits of this wonderful broccoli due to the compounds that have been shown to be carcinogenic to eliminate toxins, preventing DNA mutations, inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, preventing the development of benign tumors to malignant tumors, and help prevent the spread of cancer from one organ to the other organs. To maximize the benefits of broccoli as anticancer, preferably eaten raw or steamed briefly. Because if You cook it too long would shredding anti substance sulforaphane – cervical cancer which is important in Broccoli (according to one study, cooking can destroy as much as 90% sulforaphane in broccoli).

9. Leaves of Arugula
Often found in salad, arugula is a vegetable that belongs in the family of broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Arugula in full health benefits promoting phytochemicals and vitamins. It is a glucosinolate and can be converted to isothiocyanate when eaten. Isothiocyanates work to neutralize carcinogens and inhibit the growth of cancer cell proliferation. Chlorophyll, the pigment of plants that have anti-cancer properties, contribute greatly to the arugula as a preventive cervical cancer food. Arugula is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene (about five times the amount found in lettuce).

10. Fish ROE Roe
Egg fish roe is one of the natural sources of DHA and EPA is the best type of omega-3 fatty acids, making it one of cervical cancer preventive foods. Fish roe egg contains more omega-3. A study, which analyzed five tails of marine animals, found that fish roe from lumpsucker, hake, and salmon is the richest in terms of omega-3 fatty acids.

11. Radish
Turnips can be used as a preventive cervical cancer food because it contains glucosinolates and phytochemicals. Some researchers found glucosinolates may stop the growth of cancer cells. Glucosinolates found in many vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, but the content of glucosinolate on more radish (radish has been shown to have glucosinolate up to 10 times more than broccoli).

12. Cherry
Cherries contain perillyl alcohol (POH), which turned out to be effective in destroying cancer cells in various in vitro and in vivo. When going to buy cherries there are some simple tips that may be if not difficult is the fruit of choice grown organically, because if any fruit is available it will be very easy to use.

13. Whole grains
In a special study American Institute for Cancer Research, grains are ingredients that contain many components of fiber and antioxidants. A major study involving almost half a million people found that eating more whole grains can lower the risk of colorectal cancer. This makes it as the top cancer-preventive foods. Some examples of whole grains and petrol products including oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, and so on.

14. Watercress
Watercress is a good anti-cancer food. According to research, the daily consumption of fresh watercress every day can significantly reduce blood cell DNA damage. DNA damage in blood cells is an indicator of a person's risk of cancer overall. Watercress contains phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a type of mustard oil is famous for its nature against c. In addition, the anti-cancer properties of watercress cancer are also caused by the high content of vitamin c. watercress is available in many supermarkets, but you can also harvest them yourself if you have a garden. Watercress can be a tasty addition to salads and sandwiches.

15. Green vegetables
Green vegetables such as spinach and lettuce is a good source of antioxidants, contain beta-carotene and lutein. You will also find these nutrients in vegetables that are more traditional, such as mustard greens, and kale. The official United States Agency for Cancer Research released, in a new study that these chemicals can be used in some cancers.

16. Red Wine grape skins contain antioxidants well-known called resveratrol.
Grape juice and red wine also contain antioxidants. According to the National Cancer Institute, resveratrol might be useful to prevent cancer from the initial and its spread. Laboratory studies found that it limits the growth of various types of cancer cells, including cervical cancer. In men, the consumption of red wine is associated with risk of prostate cancer is lower.

17. Green peas
Certain fruits and vegetables and other plant-based foods got the recognition for being a good source of antioxidants, but beans are often forgotten. Some beans, especially red beans and pinto, is a source of antioxidants that are outstanding and should be included in Your anti-cancer diet. Peanuts also contain fiber, and consuming foods high in fiber may also help reduce the risk of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

18. Garlic
Several studies found that those who rarely eat garlic tends to be potentially against various types of cancer, particularly in the digestive organs such as the esophagus, stomach, and colon. However, experts do not know for sure, how much garlic needs to be consumed to prevent cancer, it may be a piece of a day is enough. And many more other garlic benefits, read here: the content and benefits of Garlic for health That some types of cervical cancer preventive foods are highly recommended for you our loyal readers. Hopefully can add insight into all of us about the benefits of some foods on health. Additionally, be wary of selecting the food as your main intake, because we are what we eat not?

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