Immediate Detection of breast cancer since the early

Immediate Detection of breast cancer since the early
Especially in women, the breast is one of the organs most personally. Important periodically check the condition of the breast. A lump, thickening, discoloration of skin and redness is worth a watch as an indication of cancer. Itching, skin peeling, or rashes on the breast for weeks also need to look out for. Other changes in the skin of the breast, such as swelling, skin is interested in, or constrict, must also be suspect as a symptom. For men, precautions must also be applied because breast cancer can strike even though this rarely happens. Any lumps in the breasts should have to look out for, especially if fluid comes out from the nipple. 

At this time the cancer is still a disease that is becoming a concern in the world because it was ranked the top five diseases cause death. Cancer is caused by a variety of factors, including genetic factors, environment, food, drugs, hormones and some other trigger. For women, the most frightening cancer is breast cancer because the body limbs including vital and became one of the sexual attraction that plays an important role in the lives of the women themselves.

Breast cancer must be detected early before getting into the final phase of that is difficult to treat in addition to through the adoption of the breast. Associated with myths and facts, many people think breast cancer only happens on the womenfolk only. But it turns out that based on research, 1 out of 1000 men suffered from breast cancer. But indeed of almost 50% of sufferers of breast cancer in men do not want to check themselves or embarrassed if known affected by breast cancer so that risk factors for breast cancer are all things that can affect a person's chances of had breast cancer. Some risk factors cannot be changed such as age or family history, but there are also risk factors related to lifestyles such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

The following is an important risk factor for breast cancer:

1. Age the risk of suffering from breast cancer will increase in line with the old person. At the Dharmais Cancer HOSPITAL, the average age of the woman who was first diagnosed with breast cancer is 48 years old.

2. the first Menstruation at age less than 10 years or menopause (menstruation stops) at the age of more than 55 years old can slightly increase the risk of breast cancer.

3. Women who are not married, don't have children, or have their first child after the age of 30 can also increase the risk.

4. A history of the use of hormonal preparations such as hormonal KB (pill, injection, pegs) or hormonal therapy (i.e. therapy hormone estrogen on English women who reach menopause) increases the risk of breast cancer.

5. high-fat Diet and alcohol increases the likelihood of up to 1.5 times to suffer from breast cancer compared to women who do not eat a lot of fat and not drinking alcohol. 

6. Have close female relatives (such as the biological mother, brother/sister, daughter) with breast cancer may increase the risk of breast cancer to 2 times compared to women who do not have a family history with breast cancer. An estimated 20-30% of women with breast cancer have a family member who also has a history of breast cancer.

7. Breast cancer because of the offspring
Doctors estimate that 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer is related to a genetic mutation on generations within the family. A number of faulty genes inherited can increase the chances of breast cancer have been identified. The common is breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2), both of which increase the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. If you have a record of a strong family with breast cancer or other cancers, blood tests can help identify BRCA genes are damaged or others within the family. Generally found on the condition that has experienced metastases have spread to tissues or another body.

The most common signs of breast cancer is a lump you can feel when you've done some checks on your breasts breast only. Besides itself, the nipple should also be examined. Other symptoms may also include Paget's disease. Because breast cancer is a type of cancer, you may also consider other cancer symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, swollen lymph nodes and even joint pain as something connected with this disease.

Overall, the signs of breast cancer should be known to all people so that they will be able to stop this disease. Breast cancer can be a very dangerous disease, as a result of the worst may lead to death. Because breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer suffered by people in the world, indeed it is better to understand more deeply about cancer and the breast cancer signs it.

Signs of breast cancer:
1) breast size or shape change.
2) there is a lump or thickening in the breast. (The area which may include the area around the breast or armpit.)
3) Breast feels wonderful warm when touched.
4) Retraksi nipples. (A nipple turned inwards or sunken into a breast.)
5) nipple into irregular Shapes.
6) Rash on the nipple or areola.
7) Out the liquid from the nipple.
8) breast Skin constrict.
9) The breast looks reddish, scaly or swollen.
10) pain in the breast.

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