Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that grows on the cells of the tongue. Tongue cancer most often grows and thrive in the squamous cells is on the surface of the tongue. Squamous cell is the cell flat or flat-shaped like the skin that lines the surface of the mouth, nose, larynx, thyroid, and throat. Tongue cancer is most commonly squamous cells attacked. Therefore, cancer of the tongue which originated from these cells is called also with squamous cell cancer.
In human anatomy, the tongue is composed of two parts: the front part of which is located in the mouth and the base located near the throat. Tongue cancer can develop on both parts. Cancer that grows on the front part of the tongue it belongs in the category of oral cancer. While cancers that grow at the base of the tongue is included in the cancer of the oropharynx.
Alcohol and tobacco are alleged to be the main cause of occurrence of cancer of the tongue because both have carcinogenic properties or the easy spread of cancer. Substances that are carcinogenic generally contain chemical elements which can damage the DNA in the cell and trigger the emergence of cancer.
In human anatomy, the tongue is composed of two parts: the front part of which is located in the mouth and the base located near the throat. Tongue cancer can develop on both parts. Cancer that grows on the front part of the tongue it belongs in the category of oral cancer. While cancers that grow at the base of the tongue is included in the cancer of the oropharynx.
Alcohol and tobacco are alleged to be the main cause of occurrence of cancer of the tongue because both have carcinogenic properties or the easy spread of cancer. Substances that are carcinogenic generally contain chemical elements which can damage the DNA in the cell and trigger the emergence of cancer.
Symptoms of tongue cancer
Symptoms that indicate cancer of the tongue includes:
A sore throat that lasts continuously.
- Red or white patches, lumps, or canker sores which failed to heal.
- Pain when swallowing.
- Flavors numb fingers in the mouth which failed to disappear.
- Bleeding without clear reason on the tongue.
- Pain in the ear (rare).
A number of the above indications might be caused by a disease or infection other than cancer of the tongue. But you should remain vigilant and saw a doctor if any of these symptoms last more than three weeks, especially if you are a heavy smoker, and often consuming liquor.
Factors trigger cancer of the tongue
Causes of tongue cancer are not yet known for certain, but there are certain factors that are believed to trigger the appearance of this cancer. These risk factors include:
- Smoking. About 85 percent of cancer in the head and neck, including the tongue, caused by tobacco consumption. In addition, passive smokers are also at risk higher for contracted cancer in the head and neck.
- Booze (alcohol). Consumption of alcohol on a regular basis in a number of relatively many can also increase the risk of cancer of the tongue. Alcohol consumption, when combined with cigarette smoking, will increase your risk of getting somebody to catch this cancer.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV). Although rare, the virus HPV may cause abnormal tissue growth in the mouth so that trigger cancer. Transmission of this virus can happen if you get in touch directly with the person with skin or objects contaminated virus HPV or through sexual contact, like intercourse, anal sex, or oral sex.
- Oral hygiene is low. Tongue cancer can also be associated with wounds in the mouth which failed to heal. These injuries can occur due to fracturing the teeth that hurt the inside of the mouth or mouth ulcers that often appear and failed to recover. Therefore, it is important to maintain oral hygiene and treat injuries that occur in the oral cavity as soon as possible. The results of research by the Ministry of the health of Indonesia shows that people with poor oral hygiene 2.3 times higher risk for experiencing cancer of the oral cavity, including the tongue.
The Process Of Diagnosis Of Cancer Of The Tongue
Just like other types of cancer, tongue cancer detection is done as early as possible will improve your chances to recover. Process diagnosis generally includes a physical exam and symptoms that you feel, as well as biopsies of suspected tissue is cancerous. If the results of a biopsy positive stating that you have cancer of the mouth, the doctor will conduct a follow-up inspection through x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound, CT scans, or PET Scan.
In addition, cancer of the tongue can also be diagnosed through staging and grading methods. The method used is the staging TNM system, which serves to measure how far cancer has already spread.
T – describe the size of the tumor of the tongue. T1 is the smallest size, and T4 is a measure of the largest and deepest.
N – describes the spread (metastases have) on the lymphatic glands and neck regions. N0 means no spread of detected through examination or through the results of a scan, while the N1, N2, and N3 indicate the spread of cancer to the lymph glands of the neck and the region.
M – describes the spread (metastases have) to other body parts.
From the results of this staging, can be judged whether you are experiencing the early stages of cancer of the mouth (can be overcome with minor surgery), cancer of the middle stage (treated with surgery and radiotherapy), and advanced-stage cancer (treated with surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy).
Cancer in the front part of the tongue is more easily detected than cancer at the base of the tongue. Cancer in the front part of the tongue will usually undiagnosed cancer while it is still small so it is easier to handle. While cancer at the base of the tongue tend to recently detect at an advanced stage, i.e. when the cancer is already engorged and even already spread to lymph nodes in the neck.
Step Treatment Of Tongue Cancer
Handling method of tongue cancer generally includes surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. The selected step depends on the type, the location, and the severity of the cancer of the tongue you Gonzo.
If cancer has not spread widely outside the mouth and Oropharynx, you have the possibility to recover the total. The operating procedure is the best treatment to deal with the small sized of tongue cancer. This step can be combined with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.
Whereas if cancer has already spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes in the neck, then your chances of being able to heal completely very small. .. The main purpose of this treatment is to inhibit the development of cancer and reduce symptoms.
If the size of Your tongue cancer includes large, you will likely undergo surgical removal of part or all of the tongue. Major surgery is called glossectomy.
After glossectomy, the tongue will be reconstructed to replace the tongue is lifted. But the glossectomy procedure will affect the ability to talk and swallow You permanently.
In addition to the appointment of cancer cells through the glossectomy, the lymph nodes in your neck might be lifted. This process is aimed at preventing the return of cancer cells.
Operation tongue will cause side effects, one of which is causing you trouble talking, eating, and drinking. Assistance from the medical team would be very useful to recover your condition to act as normal as usual.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy will also be applied to help the prevention process. Both of these steps have side effects such as fatigue, dry mouth, pain in the mouth, mouth ulcers, as well as nausea. Examples of commonly used chemotherapy drugs are carboplatin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil.
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