Recognize The Eye Infections Due To The Use Of Contact Lenses

Recognize The Eye Infections Due To The Use Of Contact Lenses
Can see well are paramount to her daily activities. Therefore, various efforts were undertaken to support the ability to see, one of them with the use of contact lenses. Many people choose contact lenses as tools see for reasons of appearance and its use is relatively easy, but the use of which does not match precisely the very risky pass disease to the eye.

The use of contact lenses is carried out by means of attaching the lens to the front surface of the eye. A very close distance allows the transfer of germs from the surface of the lens to the vicinity of the surface of the liquid eyes, the presence of germs is usually characterized by inflammation in the eye. The infection is not very serious symptoms showed at first but gradually can cause damage to eyes settled to blindness.

Contact lenses can be a major source of contagion towards good eye infections caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses. Hinggapnya the agent of infection on the surface of the lens caused by inappropriate usage like letting contact lens exposed to water, the use of liquid cleaners that do not fit, and does not replace contact lenses periodically.

This type of infection caused by the wearing of contact lenses
Infection caused by the use of contact lenses can occur on the part of the cornea or is known by the term keratitis. This disease can be caused by a variety of germs so that trigger inflammation and damage, but damage to the cornea can be settled so as to require a transplant in cases of severe infection. Based on the type of cause, this infection can be distinguished into four types, including:

1. bacterial Keratitis
This infection is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Both of these bacteria can easily be found on the surface of the soil and water, even the human body. Wearing contact lenses that are exposed to the surface of the body or objects without being cleaned in advance can easily trigger bacterial keratitis infections. Bacterial keratitis generally quickly give rise to irritation, discontinue the use immediately if you experience any discomfort while wearing contact lenses to prevent keratitis grew worse.

2. fungal Keratitis
Types of fungi that cause infection in the cornea is a variety of the fungus Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Candida. Same is the case with the agent bacteria, fungi that can infect the eye found in the human body. This fungus can also be found easily in an open environment with a tropical climate like in Indonesia. The nature of fungus can easily spread to the other eye, so you need to use anti-fungal drugs within a few months to prevent keratitis grew worse.

3. parasitic Keratitis
Though rarely found, a parasitic infection in the cornea of the eye may occur and this is a serious infection. Keratitis is caused by the parasite Acanthamoeba parasite microorganisms. Like a parasite Acanthamoeba in General, not only destructive but also the life of the individual.

This parasite can be easily found on the surface of the soil and bodies of water including tap water and damp air units. Acanthamoeba infection of the eye just might be due to the wearing of contact lenses, because this parasite should be in direct contact with the surface of an organ to updating his infection.

Besides discomfort, Acanthamoeba infections also cause discoloration like whitish on the corner of the eye. Early diagnosis and treatment are very necessary because while increasing severe need serious medical action and eye surgery.

4. viral Keratitis
This type of keratitis caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). This virus type can only be found in humans and can only be transmitted through direct contact with individuals who are infected with HSV. Unlike other kinds of keratitis caused by HSV can be transmitted. Viral keratitis also allows for recurring infections, and it may occur in people experiencing infection of HSV. Virus infection depends on a person's immune system, therefore the handling of virus keratitis requires drugs anti-virus and drops to the eyes. Viral keratitis also tends to rarely require eye surgery for handling.

Symptoms of eye infections contact lenses
Whatever the cause of the infection, the symptoms cause keratitis nearly similar. If you are active wear contact lenses, here are a few symptoms to look out for:
• Irritation or red eyes without a clear reason.
• There is a pain that comes from the inside or around the eyes.
• Eyes more sensitive to light.
• the view blurry suddenly.
• watery eyes are unnatural.

Sometimes keratitis does not cause any symptoms at all so you may not experience a variety of symptoms above. However, keratitis can also trigger other effects on the eyes, including the following:
• allergic reactions in the eye.
• Infection of the membranes of the eyes (conjunctivitis).
• dry eye.
• Ulceration or sores on the cornea.
• the emergence of new spy vessel so that the eye is seen more red.

How to avoid infections from a contact lens in the eye
To prevent infection in the eye, users or prospective users of contact lenses should understand very well the eye condition and the risk of the use of contact lenses. Here are a few things to note in the use of contact lenses:

• eye Examinations on a regular basis for the presence of infection and compliance with contact lenses.
• Prioritizing their self-cleanliness especially hand as will wear and removing contact lenses.
• clean contact lenses with liquid lens cleaner on a regular basis and be careful. Avoid adding new fluid to the old fluid still in the surface of the lens.
• Do contact lens storage, avoid putting the lens on open space for too long, and replace any lens place about three months.
• Consult with your eye doctor about the duration of usage and when contact lenses need to be replaced.
• Avoid sleeping with the use of contact lenses as it can cause the transfer of germs of disease and increases the risk of infection.
• avoid activities that allow contact lenses get wet such as bathing or swimming. Use swimming goggles if you need contact lenses when swimming.
• When the lens is exposed to water should immediately replace it with a new one to prevent infection.

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