Cancer can strike anyone, especially if you are consuming foods that can trigger the Temecula seeds of cancer. To avoid cancer, we recommended maintaining the diet, paying attention to the food consumed, reproduce the intake of fiber, regular exercise, and living a healthy lifestyle. In addition, there is 16 food should You avoid in order to minimize the risk of cancer.
1. Processed Meats
Food processed meats such as pork, chicken, Turkey Bacon, sausage, and hot dogs generally contain preservatives to make meat stay fresh. This preservative can cause cancer in the human body. Make sure you check the label on the meat you buy or ask for explanations of the buyer before you buy it.
2. Soda
Soda can cause cancer if consumed in excess. colored drinks do contain lots of sugar, food, chemicals, and also use dyes. Your stomach will These substances will very quickly help the body and can cause cancer cell growth.
3. Popcorn from a microwave
The microwave coated with chemicals that are used to ensure the food stay fresh when eaten. The results of the research showed a chemical that can cause infertility, cancer of the liver, testes, and pancreas. Chemicals in the popcorn are also known to cause lung damage and cancer.
4. diet food
Despite generally good diet food for health food diet, but it tends to be bad for some people. These foods are said to be even worse than artificial sweeteners or soda. Studies conducted by the European Food Safety Authority reveals that aspartame--the most common material used as artificial sweeteners--can cause a variety of ailments, including birth defects and cancer.
5. Refined sugar
Refined sugar is proven to accelerate the surge in insulin levels and growing cancer cells in the human body. Cancer cells found to appear quickly and easily spreads to the whole body on the too much consuming meeka refined sugar. Cookies, cakes, pies, sauces, cereal, sodas, juices and many other processed foods is a product that may contain refined sugar.
6. Red meat
Eating red meat in large numbers can grow cancerous cells in the body. Research conducted by Harvest Medical School showed that frequent eating red meat will increase the development of colorectal cancer.
7. Fruit exposed to pesticides
The Environmental Working Group found that 98 percent of conventional products, especially fruits, contaminated pesticides cause cancer. When eaten by pregnant women, the chances of babies born with weightless. In addition, chemicals found in apples, oranges, strawberries, and grapes. As much as 90 percent of the fruit is found to contain pesticide residues. Unfortunately, the fruit is not always washed helps remove residue.
8. canned Tomatoes
The inside lining of cans used various canned products generally use a chemical known as bisphenol-A or BPA. These chemicals are highly toxic to the human body and will accelerate the growth of cancer cells in the body. Tomatoes deserve to be very dangerous because of their high levels of acidity. But to avoid these chemicals, you are advised to buy tomatoes or tomato sauce in a fresh condition like from a glass bottle.
9. Salmon from farms
Farm salmon that live in the ponds along with other fish were found to have 30 times the number of sea lice more than wild salmon. If you have this, you will not be eating the healthy omega-3. High levels of PCBs, mercury, and dioxins will lead to cancer. Avoid buying salmon farms. Search for labels stating you would fish consumption is wild salmon.
10. Potato chips
Potato chips contain high levels of acrylamide, a carcinogenic substance is enabled on other foods that are heated to high temperatures through baking or frying. Studies conducted on animals shows the various types of cancer can be caused by chemicals.
11. Oil hydrogenase
Terhidrogenasi oil is commonly used to preserve processed food will get stuck in the stomach for a long time. This oil is likely to change the structure and integrity of cell membranes in the human body and leads to cancer.
12. the food is salty, smoked, pickled
Foods that are processed with the use of nitrates or nitrites as preservatives or add food color, tends to be bad for health. meat processed like sausage, bologna, smoked meats and high fat and salt. Meanwhile, the acidic food like pickles also contains high amounts of salt. Evidence suggests that this type of food can trigger colorectal cancer and stomach cancer.
13. Artificial sweeteners
Aspartame (artificial sweeteners in chemicals) have been discovered can cause seizures in some people. These chemicals are broken down in the body into lethal toxins known as DKP. In the stomach will produce all that can then produce many problems, especially brain tumors.
14. Alcohol
Alcohol is believed to be the source of the health problems in the human body, especially if consumed in excess. Currently, alcohol is the cause of both trigger cancer after tobacco. A study in America revealed that 200 of the thousands of women who drank one glass of alcohol per day has increased nearly 30 percent of breast cancer than those who did not drink at all.
15. White flour
The excess content of carbohydrates found in white flour is the main cause of cancer. A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology showed that refined carbohydrates are associated with increased 220 percent of breast cancer among women. To avoid it, choose a flour that has not been through the process of bleaching.
16. French fries
French fries contain acrylamide levels (carcinogenic substances that form in foods at high temperature) when baked or fried. Research has even shown that this material can increase the risk of various types of cancer in the human body
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